Many local communities and areas nationwide (20,000 – 30,000 inhabitants) are constantly developing needs for access to technology, telecommunications and energy services in a more inter-personal environment. Developments are constantly evolving, distances are widening and especially due to the pandemic consumers are asking to be served locally. Close to their homes and businesses. Also, the increasing developments in the areas mentioned above now require greater specialization, ability to explain, time to the customer and generally require a total change in approach. The trend of the market with big stores, with impersonal employees, call centers with pressure sales as well as door-to-door sellers is anything but favors a right choice.

At SWiTCH Stores we grow an innovative network of retail stores, nationwide so as to provide personalized solutions, immediacy and knowledge.

  • CLIENT Switch stores
  • YEAR 2021
  • WE DID Social Media Ads

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