Dr Evangelia Tsati was born in Athens, Greece.
She studied Medicine at the University of Athens and qualified in 1991.
She became a specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2002 and is board certified by the Greek Board of Plastic Surgery.
She is also board certified by the European Board of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (E.B.O.P.R.A.S.) since 2002 (Bern, Switzerland).
In 1998, after 5 years of research in endoscopic surgery, she was awarded a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from the Medical School of the University of Athens.
She was awarded a scholarship in burn treatment from the Mediterranean Burns Club and a scholarship in Public Health from National Foundation of Scholarships.
She obtained her Pharmaceutical degree in 1987.
- CLIENT Dr Tsati
- YEAR 2018
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